Monday, October 29, 2007

Contest time, again

Yes, It's once again time to play Name the Next New Music Box Cover Person, our regular contest. Each month -- as you know far too well -- the New Music Box, the internet organ of the American Music Cartel Center features a video interview with a new music personality or two. My own guesses have had a bad track record and my wishes are even further off. Of late, there have been a conductor, members of a new music ensemble, and four composers, one prodigal junior composer, a pair of great big senior composers, and one other composer cosily nestled in-between (at least three of the four being practicing cat owners). Once again, I predict that the next interviewee will be a critic; by all rights, it ought to be our most senior active critic, Alan Rich (someone: do a serious video interview with Rich now -- the man's been places and heard good music, including the first performance of the Bartok Concerto for Orchestra) but -- it's the AMC, after all -- it's much more likely to be a New Yorker, so I'll guess Alex Ross, with his spanking brand-new book out (find out if that guy owns a cat!). What's your best guess? No NMB insiders allowed, no entry fee, and the winner gets a gift certificate for a Buñueloni at the Cedar Tavern, should it ever reopen, and in addition I will throw another $1.39 into the unclaimed pot, carried over from last month's contest which had no winner, making it a grand total this month of $6.67. Once again, staff members and relations of the AMC are excluded from the competition. The judges' decisions on the accuracy of the entered predictions will be arbitrary, capricious, and final. Entries must be received before midnight, GMT, on October 31st.


Civic Center said...

Of course Alex Ross has a cat. Right now, I'm more curious about what happened to his predecessor, Andrew Porter, also senior but no longer active as far as I'm aware. I want to hear his video interview.

Anonymous said...

What is it with those cats? Don't any composers like dogs?

Anonymous said...

Well, I like dogs and I have one. But I also have a cat, so...