Saturday, July 26, 2008


Mr. Carter's music surely does perplex
with so many notes and rhythms complex.
Explains the composer, now 99,
"At my age, it helps me to pass the time
and is a reasonable alternative to sex."

Ai, yai, yai, yai,What's next? is on the telly.
So let's have another verse
that's worse than the other verse,
& waltz me around again, Willy!

You don't go to Tanglewood
For the music or the food.
You go to get laid,
while fighting mosquitos with Raid.
— I guess it depends on your mood.

Aaai, yai, yai, yai,
a flexatone sounds just too silly,
so let's have another verse
that's worse than the other verse,
& waltz me around again, Willy!

What is the maximum a minimalist can negate
and the minimum a maximalist can inflate?
Over such tough equations
new music wars have been waged and
continue to percol- and irritate.

(All together now:)
Aaaaaaai, yai, yai, yaaaai,at Juilliard they never serve jelly,
so let's have another verse
that's worse than the other verse,
& waltz me around again, Willy!

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